
AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) is a college prep program targeting high school students who will be first-generation college attendees in their families. Students and parents make a commitment to participate in the program for all four years of high school by choosing to take the AVID Class as an elective all four years of high school. The AVID class supports students in succeeding in challenging academic programs using peer coaching strategies and study skills designed to support student learning and achievement.
Carlsbad Hi-Noon Rotary Club (CHNR) began their support of the AVID program in 2008. Working with other Rotary Clubs, a Conference was put together for Senior AVID students from Carlsbad, Oceanside, El Camino and Vista High Schools. Students joined Rotarians for breakfast and panel presentations from Rotarians and representatives from potential career areas. The next year, CHNR decided to focus on Carlsbad High students. The Club invited the Junior and Senior AVID students and followed this format until 2013. At that point, the event was renamed the AVID Seminar and the focus was changed to engage the students in an interaction with successful Rotarians and successful former AVID students. Rotarians became facilitators during Breakfast and talked to students about their goals and shared their struggles and successes. Then, in smaller groups, selected Rotarians and former AVID students shared their experience and offered ideas for building success in life. A highlight of the event is the recognition of the top Senior Students by their teachers.
March 22, 2019 marked the Twelfth Seminar. This year Hi-Noon Rotary reached out to Sage Creek High School to involve their AVID Juniors and Seniors. There were 44 students from Carlsbad High and 24 from Sage Creek. The 68 students were supported by their teachers, school and district administrators, counselors and 20 Rotarians.
To support the student experience, the Club began to collect “Words of Advice” from Rotarians in 2016. A group of students created a set of questions that were then asked of all members of the club. The responses were recorded and presented to the students. The documents are used as reference materials in the AVID classes and have documented the variety of experiences that Rotarians bring to our Club. Each year the students select a different set of questions to ask the Rotarians.
April 3, 2020 was to be our 13th AVID Seminar. Unfortunately, 13 did not end up to be our lucky number. Along with many other activities, our event was cancelled and a wonderful experience for students and our members was lost. However, we did continue to recognize the Top 5 AVID Seniors for 2020 from each school. Their pictures are attached as are several years of pictures of the Top 5 and group pictures from past events.
We want to take a moment and express our deep appreciation to the AVID Teachers on each campus. They are: Jeff Spanier and Laurie Britton at Carlsbad High School; and Aida Salah and Allison Williams at Sage Creek High School.
For 2021 we are going to move forward to the 14th Seminar!
Carlsbad Hi-Noon Rotary Club
Top 5 AVID Seniors
Class of 2020
Carlsbad High School
Analaura Flores Makella Nordquist Jasmyn Lemus Bianca Herrera

Christen Opp
Sage Creek High School
Angelica Venancio Cavaughn Higgs Destini Perkins Hayat Sherif

Roxana Dominguez
AVID Career Conference, March 31, 2023, is Number 15.
Carlsbad Hi-Noon Rotary Club will create and implement the 15th AVID Career Conference on Friday, March 31, 2023 at the Westin Resort, Carlsbad.
Sixty students from both Carlsbad High School and Sage Creek High School will participate in this day-long event. Speakers this year include: Dr. Melanie Burkholder, former Secret Service Agent, Christian Chapman, CHS Football Coach and CHS graduate, and Ross Urbina, entrepreneur and author. The keynote address will be presented by Miguel deJesus, of California State University San Marcos College of Business. Once again, the top five AVID students from each school will be honored by their instructors.
The AVID instructors have identified their Top Five AVID students for the 2022-2023 year. Those students are:
Carlsbad High School
(in alphabetical order):
Andrea DeLos Santos Acuna
Emilio Gonzalez
Abraham Hernandez
Arsham Hormuzi
Angel Cruz Ocampo
Sage Creek High School
Jared Espinoza
Denilson Lopez
Jaly Reyes
Adrian Trujillo
John Trujillo
Because of the increased number of students involved in this conference, and in addition to the Carlsbad Hi-Noon Rotary budget, the following CHNRotarians also financially contributed to the conference: AVID Conference Chair Gloria Foote, Jim Brubaker, Alan Cobb, Mark Ealy, and JR Phillips. Thanks to each of you!