Pres Velyn Anderson called the meeting to order, George Sullivan led the Pledge, and Ken Clark led singing of the Smile song, God Bless America and the Welcome song.
• Feb. 13 - Fireside Chat for New Members
DARK - February 17
• Feb. 20 - NCty Food Bank
• Feb. 21 - Poker Party
• Feb 24 MEETING: Speech Contest
• Feb. 28 - DineAround #1
• Mar. 1 - DineAround #2
• Apr 26-27 - RYLA Weekend
• DUES: Treas. Viveka Kjellgren will be contacting those who have not yet paid third-quarter dues: or 203-984-2499.
• OKTOBERFEST COMMITTEE: Anyone interested in serving on the 2025 Oktoberfest Committee can contact member Jenna Dotson: Oktoberfest is the major fundraiser for Hi-Noon and the Carlsbad Rotary clubs, and will be held Sept. 20, at the Carlsbad Strawberry Fields.
• POLIO PIG: Our polio pig has collected $800 towards our club goal of $1,500 for the Stop Polio campaign during this Rotary year. Look for the pig when you arrive at the meeting sign-in table: He’s hungry for any spare change or even larger donations.
President-elect Jim Brubaker is hosting a Fireside Chat, with light lunch, for new club members Thur., Feb. 13, 11:45am-1pm at his home. This is an opportunity to meet club board members and directors and learn more about club activities and opportunities. RSVP with Brubaker: or 760-845-6776...ASAP, please—and for the address. Any interested member welcome, especialy new and newer members.
JoAnn Ross said our scholarship fundraiser is “off to a great start, but we haven’t crossed the finish line. You all get 24 raffle tickets to sell, and we need you to do that. It’s easy!” Grand prize is $5,000, 2nd prize is a four-night stay in a condo in Sedona, 3rd prize is an e-bike, and 4th prize is a wine package. The drawing will be at our Apr. 14 meeting. Last year, we gave out $41,000 in scholarships. This year’s goal is $50,000.
Tickets are $20 each or six for $100. Sell or buy your tickets and bring the money and the ticket stubs to our meetings before the Apr. 14 drawing. For info or more tickets, contact Ross at or 760-662-5385.
• Pres. Velyn thanked Tommy Hersant and Nate Cobb for seeing a need and helping a senior citizen who is on their home meal delivery route. They replaced her doorbell so she could actually hear it when her meals had arrived.
• North County Food Band: Beth Garrow is putting together a team to help pack food at the North County Food Bank, Feb. 20, from 1-4pm. Members, partners and guests are welcome, but EACH needs to register. Garrow has emailed registration link and requirements, or contact her at
• Poker Night, Feb. 21, 6pm, Richard Weston’s home. The game will be Texas Hold-em, and those not familiar with this game are invited to arrive at 5pm and join Phil Urbina, who will do a tutorial. Buy-in is $20, cash, small bills preferred. RSVP with Tommy Hersant, or 760-855-5758 before the end of this month.
• Feb. 28 and Mar. 1 DineArounds: Hosts have been set, and Danny Quisenberry had a sign-up sheet at this meeting. He asks that anyone else interested contact Tommy Hersant before the end of February: or 760-855-5758.
• Happy Hours and Pizza Night #2: Hersant is seeking suggestions for Carlsbad locations for monthly Happy Hours and also a host for the final pizza comparison testing. Contact him at or 760-855-5758.
• Speech Contest: Our Four-Way Test speech contest for high schoolers will be the program for our Feb. 24 meeting. Students must apply the Four-Way Test to whatever topic they select for their speech. The winner will move onto the next level in the District 5340 competition. All club members are encouraged to attend this meeting: traditionally, these speeches have been amazing.
• Bob Kreisberg shared that our club-hosted music competiton for students last week was a success and thanked Ken Clark, who was a judge. Kreisberg needs more speakers for the “What Grown-ups do for Work” program, and he said our successful Junior Achievement program at Valley School wrapped up last week.
• RYLA HELP NEEDED: This year’s Rotary District 5340 RYLA camp for students (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) will be April 26-27, and adult facilitators are needed. Pres. Velyn has sent an invitation to members that includes lots of information about this weekend event that is for students who exhibit leadership abilities and which combines speakers, activities and events to inspire and encourage them. Our own Mike Metts has been involved in the district RYLA program for many years and can provide info: or 619-417-6304.
PRAGUE 2025: A group of Hi-Noon Rotarians and spouses will be traveling to Prague, a Hi-Noon sister city, including Rick Huenefeld and Tommy Hersant and their wives, leaving on April 27. Anyone else interested can call either of them for information about the trip that will include meet-ups with Rotarians there.
Pres. Velyn recognized members with February birthdays: Joan Boughton, Feb. 11; Yvonne Finocchiaro, 14th; Ken Clark, 17th; Jim Brubaker, 19th; and Tommy Hersant, 23rd. She also recognized Rotary anniversaries: hers, 14 years; Richard Weston and Wendy Wiegand, 22; Mike Metts, 23; Nate Cobb, 25; Joan Boughton, 26; Jeff Segall, 27; Kori Dolkus, 28; Julie Walker, 37 (2 clubs); Eric Lodge, 45; and Bruce Stewart, 49 years (2 clubs).
Genealogy Made Easy
Speaker: Dee Whiting
Dee Whiting got interested in genealogy many years ago when she wanted to learn more about her family roots. “Everyone makes history, but who records our experiences? How does your story fit?” She has discovered she “loves delving into tantalizing family history,” and along the way, she has found many resources, including the three libraries in Carlsbad. But there are so many other sources and options. Among them:
1. All three of Carlsbad’s libraries offer online access to Ancestry Library Edition, FamilySearch and Findmypast. For example, Ancestry Library Edition offers access to census, vital records, immigration info, family histories, military, court and legal and more.
2. To help individuals digitize their photos, etc, Carlsbad’s Cole Library has a book scanner, a photo and slide scanner, and also has an Ask a Genealogist program Dove Library can work with video in all formats.
3. The La Jolla Library can help with audiotapes, and the San Diego FamilySearch Center has a photo scanner that can 34 pages per minute, front and back.
4. North San Diego County Genealogy Society offers speakers, in person or via streaming, and arranges trips to Salt Lake Family History Library.
5. has 30 billion records individuals can access for free or with more detail by setting up a personal account. It also offers a DNA kit for a fee.
6. RootsTech holds the world’s largest genealogy conferences in the world, and its site,, has more than 1,500 genealogy speakers’ talks on various topics from past conferences available for streaming.
“Genealogy without documentation is mythology,” one of her slides said. Whiting had handouts that listed resources and their access info for those who wish to begin or expand their own family research. Pres. Velyn can email it to anyone interested.
DARK: February 17
February 24, at the Westin
CHNR Student Speech Competition
Service Above Self
Carlsbad, CA 92008
United States of America